The Future of Hybrid Healthcare: Insights from Zealic CEO Chuck Piccirillo

In this episode of BioTalk Unzipped, Gregory Austin and Dr. Chad Briscoe continue their conversation with Zealic CEO, Chuck Piccirillo. They delve into the unique challenges of the patient journey and the increasing demand for hybrid healthcare solutions that offer more flexibility. The discussion highlights the rise of virtual health, particularly in Europe, and introduces exciting developments in ion channels as a goldmine for new medicines. They also explore the financial intricacies of drug development, the importance of leadership through incremental steps, the value of in-person interactions, and hard-earned lessons in the industry. Finally, Chuck offers invaluable advice for entrepreneurs in the life sciences sector.


00:17 - Adapting to what is unique in the patient journey.

07:08 - Push for hybrid solutions - more flexibility.

09:20 - Virtual health is emerging, especially in Europe.

14:02 - New News! - Ion Channels are a goldmine for new medicines

19:23 - The Financial Side of Drug Development

21:50 - Leadership - Incremental Steps, the Value of In-Person Interactions, Learning Hard Lessons

30:58 - Advice For Entrepreneurs in Life Science


  • Building blocks to build the digital patient experience, then tweak it to the individual drug and form a complex digital and personal adaptive health journey.

  • The healthcare industry needs to find a balance between safety and innovation to ensure patients have access to the best possible care. Remote patient monitoring and decentralized clinical trials are crucial in improving patient engagement and outcomes in the healthcare industry.

  • Virtual visits and technology integration can enhance patient engagement and make healthcare more accessible.

  • While there has been an increase in decentralized trials, the focus is currently on commercial solutions due to the crowded nature of the clinical trial technology space.

  • Virtual health and routine monitoring have the potential to alleviate the burden on healthcare providers and improve patient care.

  • Ion channel research holds promise for developing new medicines and treatments for various conditions.

  • Incremental progress and persistence are key in entrepreneurship and leadership.

Sound Bites

  • (regarding adaptability in clinical software) “Imagine if LinkedIn only every 6 months. How engaging would that be?”

  • "And it would actually integrate with like Uber, for example, and help them get a ride if they had to go to the doctor and actually, and all of that is based on these building blocks that we're able to assemble and then press a button."

  • “I think everybody wants whatever aspect of life nowadays to be hybrid anything.”

  • “It’s why we always talk about pragmatic innovation.”

  • “Persistence in the face of opposition of all sorts.”

New News Story:  These microscopic tunnels are a goldmine for new medicines 

How to reach us:

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation 

Chuck Piccirillo 

Zealic Health -


Dr. Chad Briscoe 

Celerion -  

Gregory Austin 



Patient Journey, Hybrid Healthcare Solutions, Drug Development Finance, Leadership in Life Sciences, Entrepreneurship in Life Sciences, Remote Patient Monitoring, Decentralized Clinical Trials, Healthcare Technology Integration, Digital Patient Experience, Clinical Software Adaptability, Pragmatic Innovation, Persistence in Entrepreneurship, Leadership




















BioTalk Unzipped

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